What does your 11pm look like? We sit down with powerfully lovely A DOMANI friends, ask them the same 11 questions, and capture the beauty, passion, compassion, and occasional chaos that happens from dawn to dream—and everything in between.
This week we wade into the waters of the popular motherhood refrain “why didn't anyone tell me about this?!”
Whether it's your first kid or 5th, there are some things that are simply trial by fire. One of those things is breast and/or bottle feeding your baby. How much? How often? Overproducing? Underproducing? Nipple blisters, wtaf. What kind of bottles should we use? What kind of formula? He’ll only eat in one position and my shoulder is frozen.
Finding a lactation consultant is so helpful in those first days and weeks. Not only to help with latching and helping to put those pump parts together, but also diagnosing potential tongue tie, and other infant feeding struggles.
On this 11 at 11, we are so excited to feature, Carrie Dean, founder of Mama Bear, IBCLC. Carrie is a board-certified lactation consultant, a font of knowledge on breast and bottle feeding, a master in infant/adolescent cranio-sacral therapy and a licensed massage therapist. She is a literal Mama Bear, a fierce champion of mothers and babies.
If you are local to lower Fairfield County, CT and Westchester County, NY, you probably already know Carrie; she has cult status amongst new mothers here.
And if you don’t live nearby, go follow her immediately @mamabearbreastfeeding on Instagram.
Need a lactation consultant? You can reach out to Carrie to make an appointment through her website at www.mamabeardean.com. She can see you in her Larchmont office or make home visits to patients throughout Westchester and lower Fairfield County, CT.
On to the questions...

1. What is your morning ritual?
“ thank you, thank you, thank you”
I start each day and end each night with a quick and simple repetition of thank yous. Gratitude is essential.
Then I head straight to the coffee pot. I’ve recently found Laird Hamilton’s coconut creamer with adaptagenic mushrooms. That has really turned my morning coffee into a special treat. Then it’s the usual fire drill of get the kids ready, lunches packed, and everybody out the door.
Then I hit the road to see my first client at 9:30am.
2. Breaking a sweat while sleeping=not fun. Fun=Breaking a sweat while ____.
Hiking, without question. Second fave is a HITT class.
3. What do you always have on your bedside table?
Moisturizers, Chapstick and this wonderful migraine head wrap.
It’s a cooling gel headwrap that covers your ears and eyes and cools the whole head. I use it to help me decompress at night more than for migraines.
4. Where was the best night's sleep you've ever gotten?
I was recently staying at a cabin in the blue ridge mountains, the Windows were open with the cool mountain air making for the perfect sleeping temp.
5. What are you reading/watching/listening to?
I am shamelessly devouring Bridgerton-it took me a while to get on board, but boy I am now committed!
My favorite podcast is Smartless. Those guys crack me up, they remind me of me and my high school girlfriends.
I’m enjoying the book The Island of Sea women by Lisa See. A beautiful story about the generations of women divers off the coast of Japan.
6. When are you most happy?
My boys are getting older (9 and 12) and I know the days where we can all snuggle in bed together are fleeting. So when we’re all showered at night and they pile in my bed for a family movie makes me the happiest.
7. What can you not sleep without?
White noise! The silence is too loud!
8. What does your perfect night look like?
A leisurely family dinner on our back porch. And the boys going to bed without me having to referee a wrestling match.
9. Early Riser or Night Owl?
More of a night owl these days- my kids stay up later now, so therefore I stay up later. It’s not by choice 🤣
10. Midnight snack y/n.
Nope. Not for me.
But, if you are a breastfeeding mother, I highly recommend a very large midnight snack!
11. What are you dreaming of at the moment?
I like to daydream of winning the lottery and opening Craniosacral clinics all over the US. The world would truly be a better place if everyone could get these treatments regularly.
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