What does your 11pm look like? We sit down with powerfully lovely A DOMANI friends, ask them the same 11 questions, and capture the beauty, passion, compassion, and occasional chaos that happens from dawn to dream—and everything in between.
You're in for a treat, because the radiant Yonni Wattenmaker, shares her sunrise to slumber. Yonni serves as Executive Director of Breast Cancer Alliance, a local charity upon her arrival and now one of the highest-ranked and most prominent breast cancer charities in the United States. In addition to making ground breaking changes for breast cancer survival, prevention and research, Yonni is an active volunteer, currently serving as a board member on the Jewish Book Council and member of the Community Advisory Council of Greenwich Hospital.
In her not-so-spare time, Yonni is a certified health coach and founder of Yon Appetit where she graciously shares healthy recipes, self care inspiration, and personalized nutritional coaching. Yonni has been a featured food writer and wellness collaborator for numerous publications as well as a frequent podcast guest.
In 2019 she was honored to be named one of “40 Fascinating Women” by WAG Magazine and as a "Woman Who Inspires" in 2021 by the YWCA.
Can’t get enough of Yonni and want to make lasting changes to your health and wellness? Follow and DM Yonni @yonappetit_healthcoach and follow @breastcanceralliance to discover their meaningful work.

1. What is your morning ritual?
If I have not done them the night before, I complete The NY Times games. Then I enjoy a good cup of coffee (or two!)
2. Breaking a sweat while sleeping=not fun. Fun=Breaking a sweat while ____.
Going for a run, or doing Pvolve or Sculpt Society workouts. They keep me balanced and energized.
3. What do you always have on your bedside table?
A good book, a journal for ideas and recipes, a candle, a laptop and my reading glasses.
4. Where was the best night's sleep you've ever gotten?
If I am relaxed, I can sleep well almost anywhere, but I am a terrible napper!
5. What are you reading/watching/listening to?
I’m currently reading a thriller called The Prisoner. I am always watching some cooking or baking show, and I have the Smartless podcast on in my car. I also really love music. We always have music playing at home.
6. When are you most happy?
When I am with family or friends. I am fortunate to have incredible friends, from childhood or recent years, and true friendships are such a gift. If it’s somewhere warm and sunny, that’s the icing. Helping people and making their life a little happier, easier, healthier - that’s also very gratifying.
7. What can you not sleep without?
A warm blanket (even if I kick it off in the middle of the night) and a clear head.
8. What does your perfect night look like?
Dining at a beautiful restaurant with my boyfriend with great wine and music somewhere exotic, or with our family on the couch binging a show or playing cards. It’s the company that makes it perfect.
9. Early Riser or Night Owl?
10. Midnight snack y/n.
11. What are you dreaming of at the moment?
So much! I’m a dreamer to my core. I’ll say possibility and security.
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